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As a start-up company, Sensofine Inc. is in the process of innovating a non-invasive real-time glucose-monitoring wearable gadget to monitor clients’ health status from their smartphone or even their doctor’s cloud. Glucose is one of the parameters that can be measured with this device, with a focus on the concentration of glucose in sweat, as it will show the blood sugar continuously and in real-time. Working with biosensors, energy-storing, and energy harvesting units, our goal is to bring this product to the industry for current/future diabetes patients ranging from children to pregnant women to the elderly. We believe that Sensofine Inc. can be the start for individuals to eliminate invasive methods of blood glucose monitoring and create easy access for patients’ doctors.   

To tackle the statistics (read True FACTS) and help alleviate the lives of diabetes patients, Sensofine Inc. is working hard toward creating a new method for real-time glucose monitoring.   

The non-invasive real-time glucose-monitoring wearable gadget can be worn by infants, children, pregnant women, and elderlies. The device measures blood-glucose levels through sweat levels on the skin and can be worn as a wristband. The biosensor patch in the device should be replaced every other 14 days.

This device ensures your loved one’s blood-glucose levels are healthy and safe overnight while sleeping or even during the day. While monitoring the patient’s health, data can be easily sent to their doctor’s cloud, making information accessible. Sensofine Inc. is working hard to bring this device to you and possibly for it to be covered by insurance for individuals.




Diabetes Canada Facts1:

  • 29% live with diabetes or prediabetes.
  • 10% diagnosed with diabetes.
  • 6.1% live with prediabetes.
  • 7.0% live with high blood glucose.
  • 1.7% live with undiagnosed high blood glucose.
  • 1/10 women who give birth experience diabetes while pregnancy.
  • Diabetes can reduce lifespan by 5-15 years.

In fact1:

  • 30% of Canadians of African, Arab, Asian, Hispanic, and South Asian are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Approximately 1.7 million Indigenous Peoples in Canada face significantly higher rates of diabetes and adverse health consequences than the overall population.
  • Adult men are at more risk than adult women.